International Students and Wellness

Social & Cultural Wellness

Social WellnessSocial wellness is the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships with those around you.  It involves having positive relationships based on trust, respect, and understanding. Having a healthy support system of family and friends means always having someone to turn to during tough times. Social wellness also means feeling confident when alone or with others.  Social wellness is very important for your overall health.

Cultural wellness means supporting cultural diversity in your community. It involves building positive relationships and interacting respectfully with people of different backgrounds, lifestyles, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and ages.  

Social and Cultural Wellness Facts and Tips:

Parties & Gatherings

Sometimes student parties and gatherings involve high-risk drinking behaviour. While parties can be a way to meet new people, it is important to find a balance of activities so that alcohol does not become the focus. Sometimes students drink more than they feel comfortable in an effort to fit in or feel less anxious in social situations. Keep in mind that high risk drinking habits formed during university can stay with you for life, interfering with jobs, relationships, commitments, personal stability, and your health. It is important for you to be able to manage peer pressure and make healthy decisions regarding alcohol consumption.

Drinking & Alcohol- Things to Keep in Mind

For more information and tips about healthy drinking habits, see Physical Wellness.

Adjusting to the Canadian culture and lifestyle is often challenging for new international students. In order to make the most of your experience at Western, it is important for you to feel connected to your new community. We encourage you to participate in both on and off-campus activities. There are many opportunities for you to connect with others with similar interests! Please visit the following links for some ideas about where to get started

Social WellnessOn-Campus Opportunities

Off-Campus Opportunities

Other Resources